Build Arm Bone Strength: Two Essential Exercises for Strong Shoulders

I was recently asked about how to strengthen the bones of the arm with weight training, to prevent fractures when falling. I am always eager to share ways to increase bone density in the wrist area as well as the shoulder girdle. To be able to lift, carry, push, and pull - these are the things we need to be able to do for independent living - as well as for fun.

I picked these two shoulder strengtheners that can be done back to back to strengthen your shoulders protect your rotator cuff. This will ultimately help keep you from fracturing your wrist or upper arm bone (the humerus) when you fall.💪

The first exercise is the front raise.

Keep your weight light, as you don't want to lift too far out in front of your body with a straight arm and strain your neck. Your shoulders might be stronger than your neck muscles, so give your neck a few weeks to adjust to this new exercise.

The second exercise is the lateral raise.

Again, I am doing this with a straight arm, so I am going to keep the weight a bit lighter. This can be a progression from the​ bent elbow fly,​ which is done with your elbow bent to 90 degrees.

✅ Click on the picture to see the video.👇

Who can benefit from this?

If you have shoulder pain when you lift your arm higher than your shoulder level, you can do this to help stabilize your rotator cuff.

If you have arthritis in your shoulder, you can do this to take the pressure off the joint and enhance muscle control.

If you have had neck issues, this will strengthen the muscles that hold your head up (but keep the weight really light at first).

It is also really good for your core stabilization. As you go back and forth between the two exercises and slowly increase your weight (over time), your core gets activated to hold you in place.

I hope all is going well with your exercise routine.

If you are interested in doing your weight training more consistently and with a group of supportive women, consider joining the next Strong Women, Strong Bones jumpstart.

To your strong body and healthy shoulders,

Andrea Trombley PT, DPT